Protein Docking¶
This application is modified from ParslDock.
Protein docking aims to predict the orientation and position of two molecules, where one molecule is a protein, and the other is a protein or a smaller molecule (ligand). Docking is commonly used in structure-based drug design, as it can predict the strength of docking between target small molecule ligands (drugs) to target binding site (receptors).
The docking application requires Conda to install all of the required dependencies.
conda create --name taps-docking python=3.11
conda activate taps-docking
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda autodock-vina libglu mgltools vmd
python3 -m pip install -e .[docking]
This environment installs Python 2 and 3 so python3
will need be be used for all commands.
environment must be set.
If you install MGLTools with Conda, the path is likely the same as CONDA_PREFIX
Dependencies are not compatible with ARM64 architectures.
Certain executors do not play nicely with the parallelism used by the simulation codes.
If tasks appear to get suck, it may be necessary to set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
Sample input data is provided in the ParslDock tutorial.
The following CLI will download the dataset_orz_original_1k.csv
(SMILES string), 1iep_receptor.pdbqt
(input receptor), and set_element.tcl
(TCL script) files.
The docking application can be invoked as follows.
python3 -m --app docking \
--app.smi-file-name-ligand data/docking/dataset_orz_original_1k.csv \
--app.receptor data/docking/1iep_receptor.pdbqt \
--app.tcl-path data/docking/set_element.tcl
--engine.executor process-pool \
--engine.executor.max-processes 40 \
Checkout the full list of docking parameters with python -m --app docking --help
For example, the --app.batch-size
and --app.num-iterations
parameters control the parallelism and length of the application.
If you get an error that looks like the following:
ImportError: /home/cc/miniconda3/envs/taps-docking/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_trace_v2
different from what conda-forge packages were built against.
Try installing sqlite from conda-forge directly:
See Issue #151 for further discussion and debugging tips.