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Synthetic Workflow

The synthetic workflow generates an arbitrary number of no-op sleep tasks that take and produce random data. The workflow supports four workflow structures:

  • bag: Executes a "bag-of-tasks" where task-count tasks are executed. At most bag-max-running will be running at any given time. This is useful for testing scalability.
  • diamond: Executes a diamond workflow where the output of an initial task is given to task-count intermediate tasks, executed in parallel, and the outputs of the intermediate tasks are aggregated in a single, final task.
  • reduce: Executes task-count independent tasks in parallel and a single reduce task that takes the output of all of the independent tasks.
  • sequential: Executes a chain of task-count tasks where each subsequent task depends on the output data of the prior. There is no parallelism, but is useful for evaluating task and data overheads.

Installation and Data

This application requires no additional dependencies besides TaPS and all data is generated randomly by the application.


The following example runs a bag of tasks workflow across four processes. A maximum of four task can be running at any time, a total of 40 tasks will be submitted, each tasks sleeps for one second, and each task takes and produces 10 kB of data.

python -m --app synthetic \
    --app.structure bag --app.task-count 40 \
    --app.task-data-bytes 10000 --app.task-sleep 1 --app.bag-max-running 4 \
    --engine.executor process-pool --engine.executor.max-processes 4