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Task Executors

The Engine, in TaPS, wraps a task executor. Task executors are responsible for managing the asynchronous execution of functions. Task executors implement Python's concurrent.futures.Executor model, and TaPS supports an extensible plugin system for configuring executor parameters and adding new executor types.

The rest of this guide describes creating a new executor within the TaPS framework.

Creating an Executor

Here, we will create a SyncExecutor which simply executes a function directly. This is not a very useful executor in practice as it does not enable an concurrency, but it will suffice for explaining the steps.


This step can be skipped if you already have an implementation that implements the concurrent.futures.Executor model. This step is for when (a) you are implementing an executor from scratch or (b) you need to wrap an existing executor with a concurrent.futures.Executor compliant interface.

The below code in taps/executor/ implements the required submit(), map(), and shutdown() methods of SyncExecutor. Note that concurrent.futures.Executor provides a default implementation of map() which can be suitable if the implementation does not have a special mechanism for handling mapped tasks.

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import time
from concurrent.futures import Executor
from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import TypeVar

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):  # pragma: >=3.10 cover
    from typing import ParamSpec
else:  # pragma: <3.10 cover
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

P = ParamSpec('P')
T = TypeVar('T')

class SyncExecutor(Executor):
    """Synchronous execution engine.

        sleep: Time to sleep before executing tasks.

    def __init__(self, sleep: float = 0) -> None:
        self.sleep = sleep

    def submit(
        function: Callable[P, T],
        *args: P.args,
        **kwargs: P.kwargs,
    ) -> Future[T]:
        """Schedule the callable to be executed.

            function: Callable to execute.
            args: Positional arguments.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments.

            [`Future`][concurrent.futures.Future]-like object representing \
            the result of the execution of the callable.
        future: Future[T] = Future()
        future.set_result(function(*args, **kwargs))
        return future

    def map(
        function: Callable[P, T],
        *iterables: Iterable[P.args],
        timeout: float | None = None,
        chunksize: int = 1,
    ) -> Iterator[T]:
        """Map a function onto iterables of arguments.

            function: A callable that will take as many arguments as there are
                passed iterables.
            iterables: Variable number of iterables.
            timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there
                is no limit on the wait time.
            chunksize: Sets the Dask batch size.

            An iterator equivalent to: `map(func, *iterables)` but the calls \
            may be evaluated out-of-order.
        # Many implementation may choose to implement a better optimized
        # map(), but concurrent.futures.Executor does provide a map()
        # implementation which just calls submit() on each iterable.
        return super().map(

    def shutdown(
        wait: bool = True,
        cancel_futures: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Shutdown the client."""

Creating a Config

Config classes are how plugins are registered within TaPS. For executors, every config must inherit from ExecutorConfig, an abstract base class with an abstract method get_executor().

The @register('executor') decorator registers the config as a new executor plugin. Registering the plugin makes our SyncExecutor available as an option with the CLI and enables input validation on fields of our executor.

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import time
from concurrent.futures import Executor
from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Literal
from typing import TypeVar

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):  # pragma: >=3.10 cover
    from typing import ParamSpec
else:  # pragma: <3.10 cover
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec

from pydantic import Field

from taps.executor import ExecutorConfig
from taps.executor.utils import FutureDependencyExecutor
from taps.plugins import register

P = ParamSpec('P')
T = TypeVar('T')

class SyncExecutor(Executor):
    """Synchronous execution engine.

        sleep: Time to sleep before executing tasks.

    def __init__(self, sleep: float = 0) -> None:
        self.sleep = sleep

    def submit(
        function: Callable[P, T],
        *args: P.args,
        **kwargs: P.kwargs,
    ) -> Future[T]:
        """Schedule the callable to be executed.

            function: Callable to execute.
            args: Positional arguments.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments.

            [`Future`][concurrent.futures.Future]-like object representing \
            the result of the execution of the callable.
        future: Future[T] = Future()
        future.set_result(function(*args, **kwargs))
        return future

    def map(
        function: Callable[P, T],
        *iterables: Iterable[P.args],
        timeout: float | None = None,
        chunksize: int = 1,
    ) -> Iterator[T]:
        """Map a function onto iterables of arguments.

            function: A callable that will take as many arguments as there are
                passed iterables.
            iterables: Variable number of iterables.
            timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there
                is no limit on the wait time.
            chunksize: Sets the Dask batch size.

            An iterator equivalent to: `map(func, *iterables)` but the calls \
            may be evaluated out-of-order.
        # Many implementation may choose to implement a better optimized
        # map(), but concurrent.futures.Executor does provide a map()
        # implementation which just calls submit() on each iterable.
        return super().map(

    def shutdown(
        wait: bool = True,
        cancel_futures: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Shutdown the client."""

class SyncExecutorConfig(ExecutorConfig):
    """Synchronous executor configuration."""

    name: Literal['sync'] = Field('sync', description='Executor name.')
    sleep: float = Field(
        description='Time to sleep before executing tasks.',

    def get_executor(self) -> FutureDependencyExecutor:
        """Create an executor instance from the config."""
        return FutureDependencyExecutor(SyncExecutor(sleep=self.sleep))

The changes necessary to add the config to taps/executor/ are highlighted. The name field of SyncExecutorConfig defines the name via which this executor can be selected from the run CLI.


The Engine requires that task executors support implicit data flow dependencies between tasks with futures. In other words, this means that it must be possible to pass the future from one task as a positional or keyword argument to another task. Many executors already support this (e.g., Dask or Parsl), but many do not (e.g., Python's ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor.

TaPS provides the FutureDependencyExecutor which can wrap another Executor instance to enable implicit data flow dependencies. Since SyncExecutor.submit() does not support accepting a Future in place of a positional or keyword argument, we must wrap the SyncExecutor in a FutureDependencyExecutor in SyncExecutorConfig.get_executor().

The last step is to import the SyncExecutor and SyncExecutorConfig inside of taps/executor/ This ensures that the @register decorators get executed.

from taps.executor.python import ThreadPoolConfig
from taps.executor.sync import SyncExecutor
from taps.executor.sync import SyncExecutorConfig
from taps.executor.ray import RayConfig

Using the Executor

Now that we have created our SyncExecutor and registered the corresponding SyncExecutorConfig, we can utilize the executor to perform an benchmark.

python -m --app cholesky --app.matrix-size 100 --app.block-size 25 \
    --engine.executor sync --engine.executor.sleep 0.1
The executor is available under the name sync, and we can also see that the sleep field is available as an optional CLI parameter since we gave it a default value.

[2024-07-10 13:36:08.774] RUN   ( :: Starting app (name=cholesky)
[2024-07-10 13:36:08.774] RUN   ( :: Configuration:
  name: 'cholesky'
  block_size: 25
  matrix_size: 100
    name: 'sync'
    sleep: 0.1
    name: 'null'
  task_record_file_name: 'tasks.jsonl'
    name: 'null'
  file_level: 'INFO'
  file_name: 'log.txt'
  level: 'INFO'
  dir_format: 'runs/{name}_{executor}_{timestamp}'
[2024-07-10 13:36:08.774] RUN   ( :: Runtime directory: runs/cholesky_sync_2024-07-10-13-36-08
[2024-07-10 13:36:08.774] APP   (taps.apps.cholesky) :: Generated input matrix: (100, 100)
[2024-07-10 13:36:08.775] APP   (taps.apps.cholesky) :: Block size: 25
[2024-07-10 13:36:11.953] APP   (taps.apps.cholesky) :: Output matrix: (100, 100)
[2024-07-10 13:36:11.953] RUN   ( :: Finished app (name=cholesky, runtime=3.18s, tasks=30)
As expected, the application took just over 3s to run since there were 30 tasks and we added a 0.1s sleep to each task inside our custom executor.